Unmissable Johnny Cash Tribute live at McGettigan’s JLT this Friday

Press releases

23rd of April 

Cash - A tribute to Johnny Cash on Friday, 26th April at McGettigan's JLT

UAE, Dubai, 23rd March 2024:


The Baggot at McGettigan’s JLT pays respect to the man in black Johnny Cash this Friday (25th April) with UK tribute act ‘Cash’, fronted by Ben Welburn. Music has always been central to Ben’s life, but the music of Johnny Cash struck a chord and gave him his first light bulb moment.

“I had heard music before, of course. But this voice. His voice. I mean it literally brought me to a standstill. The words too. They just struck a chord with me somewhere and I really felt I understood what he was saying”.

Investigating the man further, Ben realised it wasn’t just Cash’s musicality that they had in common. The way Cash stood up prolifically for the working class, and wasn’t some clean cut musical ideal, only served to heighten Ben’s appreciation of the man.

“Johnny Cash has always been rough around the edges and I don’t know why but I always felt I was born with an outlaw’s approach to life. Not that I was out there robbing trains or anything, but it was more of a mentality; just something inside of me really”.

Reluctant to pretend to be someone else, it took some coaxing for Ben to take the tribute show to the next level. He sees it as a way to pay respect to Johnny Cash, getting the songs out there once again, reaching out to fans and new audiences.

“In no way would I try to be him. That is just not doable in my eyes, so I don’t want people thinking I think I am him. Cos I don’t!”


Event:              CASH – A tribute to Johnny Cash

Date:               Friday 26th April (doors open 7.30pm)

Location:         The Baggot at McGettigan’s JLT

Price:               AED 149 (including one drink)

Tickets:            www.mcgettigans.com/shop and on the door

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